Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pakistanis resist creeping media vigilantism

by Hasan Mansoor
Most Pakistanis dislike the police, blaming them for being corrupt and aggressive -- but now the media is earning a similar reputation for its frequent attacks on people's privacy.
   Pakistan's ever-growing freewheeling private television stations have given birth to "vigilante journalism" aimed at exposing people -- often ordinary members of the public -- they say are breaching social morals.
   Former military ruler Pervez Musharraf liberalised the media in 1999, opening the way for the first time to private news and entertainment channels. There are now more than 80, 40 of them broadcasting round-the-clock news in five languages.
   In January, TV anchor Maya Khan caused a storm of protest with her show "Raid in the Morning", in which she and a group of veiled women chased couples in a park accusing them of behaving immorally.
   Many fled, but Khan pounced on one couple and badgered them with questions, tricking them into answering by telling them the camera was not running.
   The show provoked furious criticism on social networking websites Facebook and Twitter, and eventually a 5,000-name petition forced bosses at Samaa TV station to sack her.
   Khan refused repeated requests to talk to AFP, but in an interview with Express TV she was unrepentant, saying what she did was in the public interest.
   "My heart is satisfied because whatever I did was done for the betterment of society. But, still if it hurt people, I apologise," she said, insisting that what she presented on her show was "not real but a re-enactment" of the perceived events.
   Pakistani liberals praised Samaa for getting rid of Khan, but their celebrations were short-lived as she was quickly hired by another station, ARY, to host their morning show.
   The Khan incident is typical of stunts carried out by television stations who say they are safeguarding social morals in what is a deeply conservative country.
   Morning shows, such as Khan's, are the most popular. Hosts are well paid and eager to hold onto their audience in a competitive market.
   "Which is why, highly-paid anchors go for ventures like Maya Khan to keep business going," one senior official at a private channel told AFP on condition of anonymity.
   But Mehnaz Rehman, a director of the Aurat Foundation, an organisation which fights for women's rights, said it was a dangerous trend that threatened social order.
   "This is not journalism, this is purely vigilantism, something that does not suit good people, especially those who claim to be fighting for the rights of masses," she said.
   "Media should be responsible and think beyond commercialisation, especially where it hits the society's very social fabric."
   In a country where young people already feel intimidated by intolerance, 25-year-old Mohsin Haleem, an executive, said media has harassed rather than empowered them.
   Pakistan has suffered since the 1970s from encroaching Islamisation that has made society, particularly in the cities and particularly for women, more conservative.
   While the Internet, and sites such as Twitter and Facebook provide some interaction, gender segregation is common and public entertainment is limited.
   "The events of vigilantism by our TV channels have discouraged many of our youth to go in public parks, even they preferred to stay elsewhere on Valentine's Day," he said.
   It is not only courting couples that have been on the receiving end of intrusive television exposes.
   Ghulam Haider works in a health diagnostics laboratory which has been gatecrashed twice by reporters from two different TV channels insisting on filming the premises to check the facilities -- an act only the government is authorised to take.
   "They are more assertive and ruthless in attacking us in the name of freedom of expression. They don't respect our freedom and individual liberty," said Haider, 69.
   "The reporters take booms in their hands and gatecrash anywhere without permission. They especially do this in the places which are inhabited or owned by those having little influence in the society," Haider said.
   Talat Hussain, who hosts a political show on Dawn TV, is an exception to the trend and has exposed media vigilantism.
   He was the only anchor to dedicate an entire show to the Khan story.
   But while he says that shows like Khan's break boundaries and intrude, he believes the media has the potential to correct itself.
   "We are a young and evolving media. The action by a TV management to fire the host for chasing people shows that potential of self-correction and self-accountability," he said.
   "Any reporter who intrudes into the privacy of people should realise, if they continue to do this the market will turn against us."

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